import json import math import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rcParams # 设置字体为 SimHei(黑体)或其他支持中文的字体 rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # 或者 ['Microsoft YaHei'] rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False # 解决负号显示问题 # 指定 JSON 文件的路径 file_path = r"C:\Users\10561\Desktop\2025-01-06_应用日志.json" # 打开并读取 JSON 文件 with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: data = json.load(file) # 提取指定设备和类型的日志片段 log_ones = [] start_idx = -1 for idx, one in enumerate(data): if 'Acar' == one['设备'] and '2' == one['类型']: if 1 == one['位置'] and 1 == one['方向']: start_idx = idx continue if 8 == one['位置'] and 2 == one['方向']: if start_idx == -1: continue log_ones.append(data[start_idx:idx+1]) start_idx = -1 print(idx) # 筛选出只有 "Acar" 的日志片段 log_ones_new = [] for one in log_ones: one_only_car = [one_one for one_one in one if 'Acar' == one_one['设备']] log_ones_new.append(one_only_car) [print(o) for o in log_ones_new] # 计算时间差 time_diffs = [] for one_one in log_ones_new: df = pd.DataFrame(one_one) df['时间戳'] = pd.to_numeric(df['时间戳']) df['时间差'] = df['时间戳'].diff() time_diff = df[['位置', '方向', '时间差']].dropna().reset_index(drop=True) time_diffs.append(time_diff) # 找出行数最多的时间差数据集,以它的 (位置-方向) 组合作为标准 X 轴标签 max_len_dataset = max(time_diffs, key=len) all_x_labels = max_len_dataset['位置'].astype(str) + '-' + max_len_dataset['方向'].astype(str) # 标准化所有数据集(没有对应的“位置-方向”就补 0) standardized_time_diffs = [] for time_diff in time_diffs: time_diff['位置-方向'] = time_diff['位置'].astype(str) + '-' + time_diff['方向'].astype(str) standardized_time_diff = [] data_idx = 0 last_is_null = 0 for idx_label, label in enumerate(all_x_labels): row = time_diff.iloc[data_idx] if data_idx < len(time_diff) else None if row is not None and row['位置-方向'] == label: # 命中当前 label if last_is_null == 1: last_is_null = 0 standardized_time_diff.append(0) # 这里保持你原先的逻辑,先补 0,后面再统一填充 else: standardized_time_diff.append(row['时间差']) data_idx += 1 else: # 没有命中当前 label standardized_time_diff.append(0) last_is_null = 1 standardized_time_diffs.append(standardized_time_diff) # -------- 新增:填充 0 的函数 -------- def fill_zeros_with_nearest(values): """ 将列表中的 0 用最近的非 0 值进行填充 (先前向填充,再后向填充) """ # 前向填充 for i in range(1, len(values)): if values[i] == 0 and values[i-1] != 0: values[i] = values[i-1] # 后向填充 for i in range(len(values) - 2, -1, -1): if values[i] == 0 and values[i+1] != 0: values[i] = values[i+1] return values # 创建子图的行列数(自动计算) num_plots = len(all_x_labels) rows = math.ceil(math.sqrt(num_plots)) # 行数 cols = math.ceil(num_plots / rows) # 列数 # 创建大画布 fig, axes = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(16, 12)) axes = axes.flatten() # 将子图数组展平,方便迭代 # 在每个子图中绘制折线 for idx, label in enumerate(all_x_labels): # 获取当前 "位置-方向" 对应的 y 值 y_values = [] for time_diff in standardized_time_diffs: # 如果下标越界就补 0 y_values.append(time_diff[idx] if idx < len(time_diff) else 0) # -------- 在绘图前,对 y_values 做一次非 0 值填充 -------- y_values_filled = fill_zeros_with_nearest(y_values) # 绘制当前子图 ax = axes[idx] ax.plot( range(len(y_values_filled)), y_values_filled, marker='o', ) ax.set_ylim(0, 10000) # 设置标题和轴标签 ax.set_title(f'{label} 的时间差折线图', fontsize=10) ax.set_xlabel('标准化时间差数据集', fontsize=8) ax.set_ylabel('时间差 (ms)', fontsize=8) ax.set_xticks(range(len(y_values_filled))) ax.set_xticklabels( [f'TimeDiff {i+1}' for i in range(len(y_values_filled))], fontsize=6, rotation=45 ) ax.grid(axis='y', linestyle='--', alpha=0.7) # 删除多余的子图(如果子图数量多于折线图数量) for ax in axes[num_plots:]: fig.delaxes(ax) # 调整布局 plt.tight_layout()